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Our Schools

Marpool Primary School


'Every child will have confidence in their own self-worth and an aspiration to achieve.'

It is our aim to provide for all our pupils a high quality education leading to achievement and success across the full primary curriculum and to develop in all children personal qualities and standards to enrich their later lives. We expect our work to create an effective partnership between home, school and the wider community; a relationship that has the needs of the child at its heart. To achieve the best for all our pupils, we have developed a stimulating, secure and caring environment where we give high value to the good things that happen both in and beyond the school.

At Marpool we seek to share skills, knowledge and experience in an atmosphere of trust and understanding. Your involvement in school life is welcomed. It is important to us that everyone is able to make a full contribution to both individual and school development and in doing so enjoy being part of our community. To ensure that everyone’s efforts are appreciated and fully productive we maintain a clear sense of purpose, shared values and respect for others.

Appropriate and acceptable behaviour throughout the school is founded on good relationships that develop self-discipline and foster high self-esteem and awareness of the needs of others. If behaviour problems arise with a pupil, we will work with parents and act appropriately to improve the situation and to safeguard the rights of others. 

Opportunities are provided for both the children and adults of Marpool to review and inform the work and development of our school. Our school is situated on an extensive and attractive site that offers exceptional educational opportunities. The school grounds provide hard surface play areas, playing field and well equipped recreation/play spaces. There are many different habitats including ponds, wooded areas and meadowland. Our school grounds provide a valuable resource that is used to promote quality in all areas of our work, the grounds combined with qualified staff enables us to provide children in our community with a wonderful ‘Forest School’ experience.

Extra curricular activities are organised and usually, opportunities exist for pupils to participate in sport, the arts and interest areas such as computers and literature. There is also a strong tradition for music concerts and shows, with all KS2 children receiving specialist music teaching on a weekly basis. Marpool has a before school and an after school care club on site.

Clyst Heath Nursery and Community Primary School


Clyst Heath has a strong inclusive learning ethos, where we live out our school values in a happy and confident way.  The school motto, 'Aim High, Achieve the Best' is well know by our children and is frequently demonstrated in day to day life and activity of the school.

We believe that education at Clyst Heath is an experience that all children should enjoy to the full and our curriculum offer is broad and balanced in order that this is upheld.

We offer a committed and talented team of staff who are focussed on delivering a curriculum through high quality teaching, which is rich and diverse for all children in our care. We want to be proud of the achievements of our children and to identify success in academic, social, cultural, physical and spiritual learning as they extend their knowledge and skills. Our school aims are to be inclusive, progressive, representative, positive and supportive.

We firmly believe that an effective partnership between home and school is vital and communications between us should be open, honest and friendly in order that positive experiences may be gained.

Our school was opened in September 2005.  We have 13 classrooms, a library, break out spaces, a large school hall, large playgrounds and inspiring outdoor classroom spaces, a sports field, administrative offices, staff & meeting rooms and a large community room, with kitchen facilities, which is used by a number of community groups after school as well at weekends. The school hot lunches are cooked at, and transported from, our federated partner school at Countess Wear. The school grounds are landscaped and planted with a wide variety of trees and shrubs and our environmental area provides an additional learning space for pupils.

Countess Wear Community School


Countess Wear School have very high expectations for all our children. Whatever your child's interests, talents and skills, we want your child to develop a love of learning and be motivated and challenged to achieve highly in all areas of their life. Our school motto reflects this: 'be everything you can be'.

Throughout the school we always see children fully engaged and excited by learning, whether they are sawing logs in the Forest School, playing cricket on the field, doing drama in the hall or solving a maths problem in the classroom.  At CWCS, every child and their family are valued for their unique contribution to our school community.

At CWCS we are committed to supporting all aspects of children’s development, including their moral, social, emotional, spiritual, creative and academic development.  We believe that learning should be engaging and relevant, with opportunities for children to be creative, and make links between different areas of learning. We give children access to a broad and balanced curriculum, with opportunities to develop their talents and achieve highly in all areas.

We strive to remove barriers for children so that they can ‘be everything they can be.’ We support and promote the British values of democracy, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We help children to develop the qualities and attitudes that will help them to move successfully on to the next stage in their lives. We want our children to become citizens who are confident, caring, considerate, reflective, resilient and resourceful.

We have 15 classrooms, a library, a large school hall, large playgrounds and outdoor classroom spaces, a sports field and community room. The school hot lunches are cooked in the kitchen at Countess Wear. The school grounds are landscaped and planted with a wide variety of trees and shrubs and our environmental area provides an additional learning space for pupils. We are very fortunate to have extensive grounds and lots of areas for learning. The ‘Tree House’ is our classroom in the Forest School and is used by all of the classes, especially the younger children. Forest School offers an inspirational environment where children respond positively to the outdoors and develop their personal skills, knowledge and self-confidence.

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